In the featured image above, notice how the footsteps follow right along the "wrack line." (That's the line of debris left after high tide.)
A recent passerby walked along this trash-filled line of beach debris, like a tightrope walker. Mindful of each step, yet turning a blind eye to the problem.
The shoe prints are fresh. You can tell by the visible tread marks in the wet sand. Soon it will dry, and the wind will softly brush away the evidence.
Here's another.
It's a common sight.
People notice the trash along the beach. We know trash is unhealthy. It's gross. It's not pretty along any beach. And yet, it's so common. Few stop to pick any up.
But why is this?
Our Optimistic Hypothesis
We like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Given the right motivation and ability, all they need is a trigger or prompt to pick up the litter the see right before them. Still, something is missing...
People don't have a convenient way to pick up the trash they see.
That's when inspiration struck.
What if we could create something portable, lightweight, and disposable that people could use in everyday beach cleanups?
Of course, not just any containers would work. They could not contribute to the problem if they fell out of a beach bag and got swept away by a breeze or the next wave.
They had to be marine-safe.
Ocean CUPS
Introducing, the first ever marine-specific, biodegradable CUPS for everyday beach cleanups!
We're currently in research and development, and we hope to have our first versions available for purchase this year.
We hope you're as excited as we are to create a new habit of beautifying our beaches each you visit them.
As we like to say, Change starts small. Every little bit of help goes a long way.
Join us in...
Collecting Unwanted Pollution from the Sea.
The Wave
We hope you'll join our community, The Wave where we share amazing "ocean magic," helpful beach cleanup tips, and product updates as we work through our research and development process.
Never email trash, just the good stuff.
Thank you for being you.